2024 platinum program inclusions


Recurring Private Tuition Plan

Upon signing up to the program you will be given a locked in recurring lesson time and day either on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. This means that you will not be required to book in any sessions as they will be automatically set into Alex’s schedule. Having a locked in recurring lesson schedule allows coach and player to set goals between lessons whilst also reinforcing discipline and consistency.

coachnow Training Space

CoachNow is your very own digital locker for everything related to your in person lesson experiences. All videos recorded and analysed during lessons will be done within the CoachNow app allowing you to view at any time.

Daily log and Training plan

Something that is far more important than what goes on during a lesson is what goes on outside of the lesson. As a coach, it is crucial to crack in to what it is a player is doing when they are not with you. The daily training log will see each client enter in their daily training habits ready for Alex to review when needed.

upgame subscription and analysis

UpGame is one of the worlds leading golf statistics programs. Upon completion of their round, clients are expected to sit down and enter their round into the UpGame app. Data entry is picture based which makes entering your round easier than any other high level stats application on the market. The data collected from the UpGame app is a crucial part of understanding a golfers identity whilst also acting as a powerful tool when it comes to painting the path forward. The strokes gained system allows us to quantify a players strengths and weaknesses and track their improvement.

Monthly accountability check

Every month, Alex will sit down and thoroughly check in on how he feels the player is going. A video is recorded and posted within the players CoachNow Training Space ready for them to review in their own time. The monthly check in is a great way to not only hold clients accountable however also keep them motivated each and every month. The monthly check in also gives Alex an opportunity to suggest drills, challenges and exercises for the month ahead.

quarterly progress and development check

Every 3 months, a zoom call meeting will be conducted with each of his clients individually. This zoom meeting is an opportunity for Alex to highlight the players development trend whilst also discussing the players program moving forward. The discussion will allow Alex to evaluate a players goals whilst also looking at the months ahead making the team aware of what events may be approaching furthering the ability to dial in on a strong development plan.


$40 per month + Pay as you go for private tuition

  • The $40 is charged automatically on the first day of every month and covers the next month in advance.

  • Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time.

  • Refunds are available given a valid reason is presented.

  • Private lessons are charged upon completion of each session (Pay As You Go)

  • 60 Minute Adult: $130-

  • 60 Minute Junior (25 and under): $90-

  • As of June 1 2024, every client of Alex’s is required to at-least be committed to the “Basic” program.

Need more information?

Please click below to get in touch with Alex to discuss any questions or queries that you may have regarding the above programs.